I am passionate about user interface and user experience

A web application is internet-based software accessed via web browsers, offering platform-independent access, centralized maintenance, and diverse functionalities. It uses web technologies and ensures cross-browser compatibility and security. Staying updated with the current technology, using tools like VSC and Chrome, enables real-time testing and simplifies complex layout design.


Using an appropriate framework is essential for a developer because it saves important time and effort in building an app. I like to work using object-oriented programming languages to build complex features and maintain scalable functionality using different frameworks like Svelte, React, Vue and Angular.


CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML, in particular, SCSS is used in different libraries like material design. For me is extremely easy to develop complex layouts using this technology with the help of auto complete and nested classes.


Data visualization is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the graphic representation of data and it is a particularly efficient way of communicating when the data is numerous for example a Time Series. I use D3js or Highcharts to communicate information clearly and efficiently building statistical graphics, plots, or information graphics.


Develop programs by analysing and identifying areas for modification

Angular and Svelte are my preferred framework because they are great for scalable projects and allow me to interact with the best providers in the market. I can build any projects with unitest and extend it with authentication and pipes to control any single feature.

Material is the best framework for styling it offers a large list of components ready to be used perfect built-in responsive designing integration for any Angular project, it provide tools that help developers build their own custom components with common interaction patterns.

To communicate information clearly and efficiently, data visualization uses statistical graphics, plots, information graphics and other tools. Numerical data may be encoded using dots, lines, or bars, to visually communicate a quantitative message. Highcharts and D3 are my favorites library to create and explore new ideas.

Firebase and AWS are my favorite tools for working with databases that allow me to deliver richer app experiences. Firebase manages its own infrastructure with a nice set of tools to simplify the workflow of the developer by providing them with development kits and an online dashboard.

A web application is application software that runs on a web server, unlike computer-based software programs that are run locally on the operating system of the device, web applications are accessed by the user through a web browser with an active network connection.


A collection of most successful projects

Sep 2021
Linus - Product
Sept 2022
EVA - Heatmap
Mar 2015
Tanglang - Lloret De Mar
Nov 2016
Smava - Recommendation
April 2014
Yukka - Sentiment
Feb 2022
Linus - Marketing
Mar 2014
Tanglang - Christmas
Jan 2020
Building - Components
Apr 2013
Marcello Kabora
Dec 2022
EVA - Monitoring
Jun 2016
Smava - Website
Jan 2018
Yukka - Network
Feb 2015
Tanglang - IAA
Jul 2018
Yukka - Chartmap
May 2021
Building - Appmanager
Apr 2021
Linus - Registration
Feb 2018
Yukka - Signals
Apr 2014
Tanglang - Cosmoprof
Jul 2015
Tanglang - Autoginevra